Plane Table Surveying – Methods, Examples & Uses

Surveying is the preliminary and primary step to kickstart any kind of project properly.

There are different types of surveying methods available to discover the earth’s surface. The right surveying method is chosen depending on the size and existence of hindrances on the land.

plane table surveying tripod

The plane table surveying is one of the conventional surveying methods, which is used to measure small scale land. If the land that you are surveying is plane and absence of obstacles also influenced by the magnetic field, then the plane table survey is preferable.

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What is the plane table surveying?

In surveying, when the earth’s surface is assumed to be a plane, and the curvature of the earth is omitted, it is called Plane Surveying .

The plane table surveying is a simple and easy method where the plotting and field observations are done simultaneously. The map of the land prepared while doing the fieldwork.

Moreover, plane table surveying could help to measure the land area where the compass survey method may fail due to the magnetic field.

Principle of plane table survey

Parallelism is the principle of a plane table survey. Two or more stations will be plotted to measure the land, and the drawn line passes through the station point.

Plane Table Surveying

Equipment and Accessories used for plane table survey

Accessories used for plane table survey

We already discussed the plane table surveying instruments in detail.

Setting up the plane table

Three simple, easy steps can do the setup of a plane table survey instrument.

Plumbing Fork and Plumb Bob

Methods of plane tabling

Method of radiation

In the picture below, I is the centre point of the station. A, B, C, D, E points are fixed by using the alidade and the distance of those points measured by the chain link.

Method of radiation 1

Method of intersection

A and B are fixed to point out the P. Line will be drawn from both stations and the intersecting point is noted as P.

Plane Table Surveying

To reduce the errors, few check lines are plotted to get the accurate land map. We can get the length of the check line by using simple triangle formulas.