High School Dual Enrollment

high school students working with a NOVA instructor

With NOVA’s Dual Enrollment (DE) program, you don’t have to wait until you graduate from high school to attend college. If you’re a high school junior or senior (or the homeschooled equivalent), or an exceptional freshman or sophomore, you’re eligible to apply for the DE program. Take classes on a NOVA campus and through NOVA Online. We also offer contract dual enrollment classes at many area high schools.

What’s better than earning college credit while you’re still in high school? Completing a certificate, a transferable general education certificate or an associate degree. You can do just that through NOVA’s DE program too.

Save time and money in Virginia's first accredited DE program.

When you enroll in NOVA’s program, you’ll be choosing Virginia’s first dual enrollment program to be accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment and Partnerships (NACEP). By earning high school and college credit simultaneously, you’ll eliminate course duplication, saving you time, effort and money. And studies show that students who earn college credit while they’re in high school are more likely to graduate and continue their education after high school.

Seamlessly transition from high school to college.

At most colleges, you’ll be required to take general education courses. Why not complete those while you’re still in high school? In the NOVA Dual Enrollment program, you’ll have access to a wider range of courses — and the credits you earn will usually transfer to four-year colleges and universities. Not only will you accumulate credits before you enter college, you’ll have a more seamless transition from high school to college.

Explore other NOVA programs for high school students.

NOVA offers three other programs for high school students who want to earn college credit:

NOVA’s DE has been the cornerstone to my son’s accelerated academic progress and, more importantly, to his sense of self as a competent, contributing member of society. The NOVA courses challenged him to succeed beyond high school, during high school.

Arlington Parent

My son is double majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, minoring in Mathematics. All of this is possible for him to accomplish because of the 31 Dual Enrollment credits he received from NOVA, most of which transferred successfully to Virginia Tech.

Arlington Parent

Dual Enrollment FAQs

What if I have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) at my high school?

If you are a high school junior or senior with an IEP, you may participate in NOVA’s Dual Enrollment program if you earn qualifying scores on the placement tests and are able to participate and achieve in class without modifications. Visit Accommodations and Accessibility Services for more information.

Can I get financial aid for the Dual Enrollment program?

No. According to federal guidelines, dual enrolled students are not eligible for financial aid administered by NOVA. However, poor performance in dual enrolled classes may impact future financial aid eligibility. You may apply for financial aid once you graduate from high school.

Can I transfer my DE college credits to a four-year college or university?

Dual enrolled courses can often transfer to a senior institution through NOVA’s Guaranteed Admission Agreements. However, some courses are not designed to transfer. Colleges and universities have specific policies regarding acceptance of transfer credits. You should contact the college or university you are considering to discuss the transferability of dual enrollment courses, or contact a counselor at NOVA for more information.

Who can access my dual enrollment course grades and other records?

>As a NOVA student, you have a right to review your NOVA grades and other records. Your high school or home school program may share grades and other records with NOVA, and NOVA will share your post-secondary (college) grades with your high school. The grades you earn at NOVA are part of a permanent transcript, and you will be required to include your NOVA transcript as part of any future college or graduate school application.

If you are a dual enrolled student under age 18, your parents may generally access records and grades created by or shared with your high school. For more details about student privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), visit the U.S. Department of Education website. To grant your parents direct access to your records, submit a notarized copy of NOVA Form 125-356.

School district partnerships

Dual enrollment courses within partner school districts are offered through a contract with the school district and NOVA. NOVA’s Office of Dual Enrollment works closely with these school districts to successfully implement these programs. School district partners and NOVA are actively involved in the planning and enrollment of each class offered through the contract.

NOVA currently offers contract dual enrollment classes in these school districts: