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Determined to succeed in your fitness goals?
Whether you’re working out to lose weight, bulk up, get toned, or develop more strength, writing down your workout schedule can be a major determiner of your success.
Table of Contents
Having a workout schedule benefits you in the following ways:
To help you reap these benefits, we’ve compiled a collection of workout calendar template examples that you can download and use for free.
Let’s check them out!
With this calendar, you can lay out your workout plan for the entire year. You may need to use a code or symbols to easily plot out the workout routines you’ll be doing for each month.
Place the calendar somewhere prominent, such as the fridge door or your vision board, so you’ll be reminded of your commitment to your personal fitness.
This blue-and-white template has space provision for 30 days, giving you information about your overall fitness plan at a glance.
Some other things to consider when making your workout calendar are your availability. Think about your regular schedule. Do you have a full-time job? Are you in charge of taking care of the family? Do you have other commitments beyond your job and responsibilities at home?
Only when you’ve considered the other activities that demand your attention can you then plot out your schedule for working out.
For some, this could mean doing their full workouts only on the weekend. Nevertheless, when done consistently and frequently, this program can still produce noticeable results.
This plain white template is a reliable fitness calendar that you can use for keeping track of your workout routine for an entire month.
It is ideal for training in preparation for a fitness event, such as a marathon. You can cross out workout days as you complete them.
Identify your goals and write them down at the bottom of the calendar. There is also space provided for logging your stats. Finally, you can specify a reward to give yourself when you’ve accomplished your fitness goal for the month.
You’ll enjoy keeping track of your workout schedule with this festive template.
The colorful page has spaces for writing down the fitness activities you plan to do on specific days of the week. It also has check boxes to identify if the type of workout you’re doing is cardio or resistance workout.
You can write down the duration of each workout in the box provided as well.
Furthermore, it has a list of choices for the focus area of your workout. These include legs, arms, butt, abs, and full body.
Finally, the page has space where you can list your fitness goals and easily check if you’ve accomplished them.
This template comes with pre-set workouts. A sample workout schedule is provided, but you can modify the routines according to your goals.
A notable feature of this template is the addition of rest days, giving your body the opportunity to recover from your activities.
Using this tracker helps motivate you to follow through with your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
In the template above, brightly colored letters represent the initials of each day of the week. A clipboard and a watch icon represent workout activity and duration, respectively.
This undated calendar from Blogilates is useful for planning and reaching your workout goals. You can print this calendar onto card stock and laminate it. You now have a reusable workout calendar!
Alternatively, you can print out multiple pages and put them in a binder to document your fitness journey.
If you love floral designs, this template may work well as your workout calendar. Print as many pages as you need for planning your workout schedule.
Here’s a template that allows you to view your workout plan for the entire week. It has a minimalist design that ensures you won’t get distracted from your fitness goals.
This template has spaces to write down your exercise routine for each day of the week. It also has a water tracker to make sure that you stay properly hydrated throughout your workout.
A version for tracking your monthly workouts is also available.
This set of free printables has 10 pages to support your fitness journey. It comes in a pastel pink theme and each sheet can be used as a bullet journal page for your health and fitness spread.
Some of the pages you’ll get include:
Not only will you be able to monitor the progress of your fitness goals, but you’ll also have a place for storing recipes of your favorite dishes.
If you’re serious about achieving your fitness goals, this planner pack is the perfect tracking tool.
It consists of 15 pages of trackers, planners, and list templates to ensure you’re on track and progressing with the goal of achieving better habits.
One of the pages in this pack is the Monthly Workout Schedule, which allows you to plot out your exercise routine schedule for the entire month.
The design of this workout schedule provides an at-a-glance view of the exercise routine you have for particular days of the week. It comes with a stylized floral header and a soft orange color scheme.
This exercise log has an eye-catching neon header and has been designed to improve your health by motivating you to do physical activities throughout the week.
In each section, space is allocated for logging the type of physical activity you’ve done for the day. With this template, you can check a box beside the type of physical activity you complete (cardio, strength, or other).
You can also record the duration (in minutes) of the physical activity and number of calories burned.
Finally, this template prominently features a water tracker to ensure you’re sufficiently hydrated throughout the day.
Here is another planner bundle that can help you smash those fitness goals.
It features a blue theme and comes with eight pages of trackers, schedulers, and planners.
A workout tracker is included in this bundle. This tracker lets you specify which month you’re tracking your workout routine for.
It has space for writing down and/or logging the following:
This lilac-themed template helps keep track of your fitness journey. It has room for a monthly calendar, and space is reserved at the top of the calendar for your monthly stats.
In addition to the calendar, it has spaces designated for your top three fitness or health goals, a motivational quote you’ll be using for the whole month, and a specific reward you can enjoy upon the completion of your goals at the end of the month.
This multi-colored workout log is ideal for keeping track of your workout schedule every week, especially if your routine consists of different types of exercises.
With this template, you’ll be able to log the following:
It’s helpful to have this kind of record for future reference, in case you’re tracking your progress.
This template is useful if you want to determine if a workout routine is right for you. The template allows you to record your workout activities, as well as their duration and the number of calories burned.
It can also be used as a calendar/planner to give an overview of what exercises you will be working on during specific dates.
The “Rating” column is a unique addition and is helpful for evaluating your workout experience.
This template has pre-filled columns so it’s easier to keep track of your weekly exercise routine. You’ll be able to log your stats for cardio, strength (training), and stretching.
You can also record your water intake for every day of the week, the number of steps you took, and the number of calories consumed and burned.
Signing up for the creator’s newsletter on the original site is required to access this free, printable template.
Here’s a blue-themed workout calendar that allows you to plan out a whole month’s worth of fitness routines. You also have space for writing some notes and five major goals for the month.
As mentioned earlier, creating a workout schedule strengthens your sense of accountability. It also makes it easier to succeed in your plans.
This is a pretty straightforward workout calendar. If you are looking for a no-frills template, this is an ideal option. It features a calendar with a Monday start.
You can simply write down your exercise routine in the boxes designated for each day of the month. You can also add other details.
This template is also great for making sure you include a variety of exercises in your routine to keep things interesting.
A workout calendar is an essential tool for staying on track and motivated to reach your fitness goals.
Some people will need calendars or planners that cover every detail of their workout schedules. Others may only need a visual prompt (such as a code or icon) to remind them of the workout routine they’re supposed to do for the day.
Regardless of the type of template design you prefer for your workout calendar, you will benefit from writing down your goals.
Stay on track, succeed, and celebrate that you’ve reached your goals!
You can discover more resources on working out and planning by checking out the following posts: