Donna L. Johnson

Smart Hiring and Personal Development for Business Growth

Smart Hiring and Personal Development for Business Growth

As the old year comes to an end and a new one approaches, you’re probably bombarded with messages pertaining to goal setting. How to do it, why you should do it, and the consequences of not doing it. I’ve written about such things in the past, but then decided it was best for me to focus on three words and develop an action plan . Read More

How to Get Started with Public Speaking Gigs

How to Get Started with Public Speaking Gigs

When you take the entrepreneurial route of working from home, you have to explore every possible money-making avenue. Diversifying your income streams is a must, and public speaking is one way to go about it without huge financial risks and overhead expenses. But, how do you get started? Let's dig a bit deeper into this subject. 1. . Read More

December 21, 2010 6 Comments

7 Expert Video Marketing Tips You Should Ignore + Video Topic Ideas

7 Expert Video Marketing Tips You Should Ignore + Video Topic Ideas

You already know that adding video to your marketing strategy is a must, but for whatever reason, you still haven't pushed play or created your own YouTube channel. I must admit that when I did, it was a bit intimidating. Yes - even for a public speaker who's always front and center on stage with a microphone. I think it probably . Read More

Shedding the Corporate Mindset: Quantity vs. Quality

Shedding the Corporate Mindset: Quantity vs. Quality

A local bookstore was going out of business and I stopped in and picked up Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny. The book originally cost $23.95 and I got it for a whopping $2.49 plus tax. I’ve learned in the past from reading books with these kinds of titles not to expect any huge revelations, but I was optimistic about . Read More

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